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    What Does A CTO For A Small Firm Do?

    1 min read

    What does a CTO do? What is the role of CTO for a small firm?

    As a chief technology officer (CTO), one of the questions I’m often asked is “What does a small firm CTO do?” While I could direct them to countless other publications or job listings that provide an outline of the role, the fact is, it’s not quite the same for a small firm.

    I could just say with a smile, “I make the magic happen,” but there’s a bit more to the role.

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    Helming a large firm’s technology or scientific operations is not only a trying role — decisions you make also impact both internal and external users to varying degrees. Though a small firm means fewer people, decision making has a bigger impact, so the role comes with a unique set of challenges that executives in big businesses don’t typically encounter or understand.
    finish reading this article on Forbes

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