Peter Ward

Teams Tuesday Meetup May 2023 Podcast

Written by Peter Ward | May 17, 2023 3:43:00 AM

Are you ready for SharePoint migration to the cloud? In the past, most of us have implemented a “lift and shift” migration with limited resources and budget.
It was easier to update the content databases and move the content as is. However, migration to the cloud requires much upfront preparation, strategy, and cleanup to move the content.
In this session we will cover:

• Cloud migration challenges including what doesn’t work in the cloud
• Create your SharePoint pre-migration checklist
• Preparation for InfoPath forms and SharePoint workflows
• Strategies for hub site architecture
• Replacing one-on-one meeting sites with Microsoft Teams

At the end of this session, you'll be more confident and prepared to move to the cloud.

Speaker's Bio
Ritu Hooda
Business Intelligence Architect
Talks about #teams, #databases, #powerapps, #powershell, and #sharepoint

Self-motivated BI Architect with 13+ years of extensive experience in professional application design, automation, database development, support, and SharePoint configuration and administration. Possess extensive knowledge of problem solving techniques and excellent analytical skills coupled with good oral, written communication and interpersonal skills.


Below are the questions and answers from the May 2023 Meetup Session.

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself? – City, family, hobbies, job title
 A. I was born and raised in India. Currently, I work as a SharePoint-Power Platform Architect at First Bank and Trust, in Brookings South Dakota. I am fortunate to have a large extended family back home.  In my free time, I enjoy cooking and playing badminton.
Q. Tell us something about yourself that not many people know about you?
 A. Not many people know that I have had the privilege of providing Crisis and Intervention training to law enforcement officers multiple times.
I started a food channel on You Tube named “ThreeGoldenPeacocks “few months back 
Q. What does a typical workday look like for you?
A. I enjoy starting my morning with a cup of tea infused with fresh ginger. It's a great time for me to reflect and set my priorities for the day. Afterward, I dedicate around 30 minutes to exercise. Once that's done, I proceed to cook breakfast and lunch before getting ready to work. At my job, I usually plan to accomplish at least three tasks that contribute to my learning and growth.
In the evening, I have dinner and then take a walk with my daughter at the nearby nature park. Later, I catch up on the news and prepare to wind down for the day.
Q. 1st job out of college
A. Computer Science Instructor teaching people already in the workforce. It was a fun and slightly nerve-wracking experience.
Q. Your 1st version of SharePoint that you experienced and what year
A.  SharePoint 2010
Q. Last challenging project and why
A. SharePoint Migration to Cloud. As a banking institution, we had to ensure that the migration process complied with regulatory and compliance requirements, thorough due diligence on the available cloud products and services. We needed to carefully evaluate various vendors, their offerings, pricing models, and compatibility with our existing infrastructure. Furthermore, given the sensitive nature of the data we handled, security was a top priority. We had to ensure that the cloud environment provided robust security measures to protect our information. Overall, the project took longer than we anticipated.
Q. What is the biggest mistake that your feel holds back your clients from the results they want (this should relate to your demo)
A. I would say- inadequate planning, preparation, and communication. Rushing through the migration without a comprehensive understanding of the current environment and the target state can lead to undesirable outcomes. To overcome this challenge, it is crucial to conduct a thorough analysis of the existing SharePoint environment, identify potential risks, and develop a robust migration plan. 
Q. Describe a SharePoint train wreck project, and what did you learn?
A. Configuring Hybrid Federated Search. I should have gone with Cloud hybrid Search.
Q. Your favorite M365 feature/tool and why?
A. Microsoft TEAMS: Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that combines chat, video meetings, file storage, and app integration into a single workspace. It allows individuals and teams to communicate, collaborate, and stay organized.
Q. Where do you think Microsoft is going with M365. Be totally honest
A Microsoft’s direction with M365 appears to be centered around enhancing communication, collaboration, organization, and create a unified experience across the M365 ecosystem. This indicates their commitment to empowering individuals and organizations to work more efficiently and effectively. However, some users may express concerns about the pricing and licensing model. The cost of M365 licenses can be a point of contention for some individuals and organizations, and there may be a desire for Cost Optimization
Q. What are the 3 cool features of the demo? 
A. I am going to share my top 5 migration Strategies when it comes to migration to the Cloud. 
Q. What was your first job out of high school
A. Well, I didn't get to work after high school. In India, it's not exactly the norm, so I missed out on that experience. 
Q. What’s the best and worst tech advice you’ve been given
A. The best advice I've received is to take server snapshots before making any major changes or updates. This precautionary measure allows you to roll back to a previous state in case something goes wrong during the process. It's like having a safety net for your server environment.
On the flip side, the worst advice I've got is to do IISreset when you see issues in your SharePoint on-premises environment.
Q. What are you working on to become a developer/consultant / CTO
A. I don’t hesitate to take on new challenges.  Currently working on my leadership skills and Strategic Vision for SharePoint, Power Platform and TEAMS.
Q. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
A.  In the next 5 years, my goal is to become a trusted advisor in the field of SharePoint and Power Platform architecture. I aspire to be known for my expertise, leadership skills, and the ability to consistently deliver successful solutions that align with the business needs of organizations. Furthermore, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to mentor and guide my team, assisting them in their professional growth and development. 
Q. What's your blind spot in your Microsoft knowledge? 
A. Product Licensing and pricing details. I always struggle with that.
Q. Where do you source your knowledge? - Twitter- who do you follow, site urls
A. Microsoft Learn, Pluralsight, IWMentor , and LinkedIn. I follow Indra Nooyi, Warren Buffett, Brene Brown, and Laura Rogers and a lot more
Q. In your mind, if there was 1 song that could describe SharePoint, what would it be? 
A. I'd have to say "I Hate You, Then I Love You" by Celine Dion. SharePoint can be a bit frustrating at times, but once you understand its power and potential, you can't help but fall in love with it.
Q. Where can people find you?
A. LinkedIn(rituhooda), Twitter(@h_riitu)., and threegoldenpeacocks on YouTube