Peter Ward

Teams Tuesday Meetup April 2024 Podcast

Written by Peter Ward | Apr 18, 2024 7:54:03 PM



  1. One Source of Truth powered by OneLake
  2. All Your Tools in one Place: Data Engineering, Data Visualization, Data Science
  3. Simplified Data Governance and Security

Below are the questions and answers from the April 2024 Meetup session.

Q. Tell us a bit about yourself? – City, family, hobbies, job title
A.  CEO and Founder of Ventagium Data Consulting, where he leads a team of 30 data professionals. Arturo graduated from the master's degree in Supply Chain Management at MIT and Industrial Engineering from Tec de Monterrey. He is a professor at both universities in subjects related to Supply Chain Analytics. Before that he worked as a data architect for the UN World Food Program and has specialties from universities such as Harvard, MIT, Yale, Wharton, etc.
Q.Tell us something about yourself that not many people know about you?
A. He is passionate about coffee, whiskey and everything that has to do with health and longevity.
Q. What does a typical workday look like for you?
A. I wake up and do a couple of hours of sports; running, body pump, yoga and a bit of meditation. Then I work from 9 am until 6 pm with a short 30 min break. Afterward, I normally read, hang out with friends, family or my girlfriend.

Q. 1st job out of college
A. Data Analyst at the United Nations World Food Programme
Q. Last challenging project and why? (this should relate to your demo)
A. Real-time Manufacturing Analytics coming from a Dynamics and HR Data.
Q. What is the biggest mistake that your feel holds back your clients from the results they want (this should relate to your demo)
A. Not embracing cloud technologies. We have seen a step change in the way that Data is being handled nowadays with technologies like Microsoft Fabric, Databricks, Snowflake, etc.
Q. Describe an Analytics train wreck project, and what did you learn?
A. The worst project that we’ve ever had occurred a couple of years ago. We were working for a massive supply chain company that wanted to integrate their ERP data together with data from their customers, the customers of their customers and some of their suppliers. Normally we would tackle all projects with an Agile methodology but in this project we went full waterfall. We worked for months on the Data Engineering component, integrating all the data from all parties before we started visualizing and validating all the data.
It was a complete train wreck because once we started visualizing the data, we figured it was not complete so most of the data pipelines had to be started all over again.
After that experience we restructured our Project Management Systems so that this scenario would no longer be possible. All our systems now force us to break down projects into full end-to-end deliverables that must be finished in less than five weeks’ time.
Q. Your favorite M365 feature/tool and why
A. Microsoft Fabric. Dive into presentation showcasing
a.    One Source of Truth powered by OneLake
b.    All Your Tools in one Place: Data Engineering, Data Visualization, Data Science
c.    Simplified Data Governance and Security

Q. What’s the best and worst tech advice you’ve been given
A. Best: move your analytics to the cloud.
Worst: all the times were I have suggested an analytics architecture that depends on Excel sheets.
Q. What are you working on to become a better developer/consultant/CTO
A. Working on my communication skills
Q. Where do you want to be in 5 years?
A. Leading a team of 120 Team with world changing projects
Q. What's your blind spot in your Microsoft knowledge? Pitfalls
A. Azure Networks
Q. Where do you source your knowledge? - Twitter- who do you follow, site urls
A. Microsoft – Guy in a Cube (Patrick, Adam), SQL BI (Marco Russo, Ferrari)
Q. In your mind, if there was 1 song that could describe Fabric, what would it be?
A. Now We are Free from the Gladiator
Q. Where can people find you?
A. Arturo Torres Arpi | LinkedIn

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