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    Welcome to Teams Tuesday

    A podcast about mastering the best of what other people have already figured out with M365.

    Teams Tuesday focuses on insights and lessons that never expire. You’ll walk away from every episode with actionable insights that help you get better results and be more productive.

    Categories Microsoft (6)
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    Office 365 E5/G5 Government

    Features Office 365 E5 / G5 Government Office 365 E5 Enterprise Eligibility Only for qualified Government bodies For large organizations / businesses Maximum number of ...

    G Suite Vs Office 365 “A Comparison”

    Features Microsoft Office 365 G Suite Winner Security & Information Protection Office 365 offers Azure Information Protection (AIP) Rights Management (IRM) and Data Los...

    SharePoint Saturday Ahmedabad Keynote 2019

    This blog post has some reference links from the keynote I gave on November 16th, 2019, in Ahmedabad, India. GANPA...

    Working with SPFx Teams Tab

    This is Part 1 of a blog post on how to add a tab on a Teams. A lot of this information is on the web, but I’ve brought a lot of the content into a single place with a ...