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    Assigning Planner Tasks

    1 min read
    Target Audience Developer
    Categories Planner
    Read Time 5 minutes
    Understand time including reading links 2 minutes

    The purpose of the post is to confirm what you are struggling with figuring out and to give you a workaround, which is a bit of a hack.

    The core challenge:

    The ability to assign a Planner task via code.

    What did I figure out?

    This can’t be done via traditional .net code with a service account with global admin. Even if you create a service account that has access to the planner group, it will expire at some point/need to be refreshed; so it certainly isn’t a “set and forget” approach.

    There is no way to use application permissions to create planner tasks without requiring user interaction.

    The workaround (a bit of a hack)

    Load the assigned task in a SharePoint list, then trigger a Flow that runs on a user (in the group), not a service account, to create the task.

    Note: This isn’t a scalable approach and more of a hack, so it does depend on the business use case.

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